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Director, cinematographer, & animator

Texas Monthly (2021)

Two ranchers reconnect in their 80s and start their

cow-wrangling romance all over again.

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Producer, editor, cinematographer, & writer

The Atlantic (2020)

As churches across the country shutter their doors–or even sue states for coronavirus-related lockdown orders–one rural Virginia congregation has pivoted to drive-in.

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Director & animator

New York Times Op-Docs (2020)

Slamdance, American Documentary FF, NFFTY  


Welcome to The Aetherius Society, a religion where Jesus was an alien, prayer can be stored in a battery, and an unusual but kind-hearted community works towards the betterment of humanity.


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The Atlantic (2020)

Health-care workers across the United States 

face a harrowing new reality.


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The Atlantic (2020)


 Eighty percent of patients on a ventilator suffer from a hallucinogenic state during which they form false, and often frightening, memories. 



Nashville, Pan African, & Catalina Film Festivals (2019)

Chef Roslyn Spence trained at Le Cordon Bleu in Paris, but her biggest critic remains her mother, a 94-year-old self-taught cook for Hollywood’s Golden Era stars. Selected as one of three graduate-level documentary thesis films funded by the University of Southern California. 


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